Welcome to “Walking The Good Road”
Early Followers of Jesus were said to be “people of the way.” They were walking the road their Creator and Savior had prepared for them. As a fellow traveler on that road, I hope that some of these thoughts speak to you and encourage you.
And the Award goes to…
A fashionably dressed presenter rips open an envelope and announces the newest winner of the “something-or-other” award. The camera cuts to the audience, now standing and applauding. The winner makes her way to the stage to receive her trophy. This…
Duty is Ours, Results are God’s
Christians are a curious sort. They don’t easily fit into anyone’s mold. Not for nothing are they called “peculiar.” Sometimes they even seem to contradict themselves. One Sunday they sing: “This is my Father’s World,” and the next they may recite “This World is not my Home.” Well, which one is it? It can’t be both—or can it?
The Great Reveal
As a wannabe DIY restoration guy, I occasionally enjoy watching a few of those Fixer-Upper episodes on TV. They usually begin with someone buying a home that leaves things to be desired. The show hosts confidently encourage the buyers that they can make it into something better than new, customized to most of their wishes within a given budget. Then the work begins with destruction of the old and rebuilding of the new. After the work is done the show hosts position a huge canvas print of the property in front of the house
Let the walls fall down!
The piece of concrete lying in front of me, smudged with paint of different colors, is nothing valuable at all! One might wonder, why I keep it in a
prominent place in my house. It is because it represents something very special to me.
I am talking about a piece of the Berlin Wall that
Unexpected Strength at Hacksaw Ridge
The movie “Hacksaw Ridge,” based on the real-life story of Desmond Doss, tells his story of patriotism and love for country, despite being a conscientious objector. He had vowed to God that he would never take up a weapon but still wanted to serve his country. As you might imagine, not only was his patriotism questioned. Desmond suffered severe ridicule, was beaten and hurt by his fellow soldiers and court-martialed for not following orders. I’m not ashamed to admit, it moved me to tears.
How to choose Leaders
The time for a new King had come. The first one had looked like a great one. He was handsome, a head taller than anyone else, impressive in every aspect.
His reign started out well, but it didn’t take long for things to go sideways. Power and status went to his head, proving Abraham Lincoln right when he observed many years later:…
Amazing things I get to be part of
Serving with Youth With A Mission (YWAM), I get to be part of a variety of endeavors with the purpose to honor the One who created and redeemed me.
Volkhard Graf
Follower of the Jesus Way
I am writing to invite people to follow Jesus, God’s Son, fully God and fully human, who is Creator, Sustainer, and Redeemer and the most fascinating person in this universe.
Calling All Warriors
A weekly Radio Program presenting thoughtful, inspirational music and talk, enrouaging indigenous people to follow Creator Sets Free, Jesus! KIYE–Voice of the Nimiipuu! 88.7 and 105.5 FM. Live stream Archived Episodes
Seeing the World and its Creator! I seek to make images that show the beauty and diversity of Creation