It happened thirty years ago and came out of nowhere. I had just entered Bible College to train as a missionary. One day, retired USAF Major Lowell Camp, who had served during WWII and was later stationed in Japan, Germany and several US States came to the college. He offered discounted flight instruction for students at a nearby airport.
I had always been interested in planes and still remember when one of my uncles took me to my first airshow at a grass-strip near my hometown.
However, the dream of ever piloting one of these flying machines had been tossed into the “never-going-to-happen” drawer.
To obtain a pilot’s license was simply too expensive in the country of my birth for regular folks like me. But now, there was a chance to see a dream, long given up on come true. Would I dare to seriously consider this great offer? My rational mind told me that I was a student now, living off savings. Wasn’t it irresponsible to use money that was intended to support my spiritual education on something that wasn’t absolutely necessary?
I decided to pray and ask God for clear direction about what I should do. Through many life experiences I have learned, this is always the right move, even if the answer turns out different from what I wish or think is best!

It took a while, but one day, as I was praying, a few verses from Psalm 139 came to mind. You might think there is nothing about airplanes and flight school in the Bible, but because of the prayerful question asked, I felt they provided a clear answer to me. The Psalm talks about God’s intimate knowledge of every human being. He knows when I sit down or get up and what I think. Far from being a scary fact, it is almost too amazing, that the Creator of all is so involved in my life that I cannot escape his presence—even if I take the “wings” of the morning. Shortly after, I began flight training and received my pilot’s license.
Many years have passed since. I haven’t flown much, but was able to keep current with all requirements. Since our little town has an Aero club that allows flying at very reasonable rates, I have been able to do some more of it lately.
On a recent flight, I was reminded of God’s faithfulness. I sensed God’s presence with me, as we together enjoyed looking at the beauty of his creation from above. I sensed his pleasure. Words of thanks flowed naturally from my heart.

Far from being a cosmic killjoy, God loves us, is near us, and often encourages us to go where we tell ourselves we cannot or should not go.
Oh, and by the way, my savings and some unexpected gifts turned out to be enough to complete two full years of college, without incurring debt!
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