No doubt you have people in your circle of relationships who are “broken people”. Some people’s brokenness is obvious. Abuse, abandonment and rejection have left scars. For others, beautiful exteriors hide what they don’t want their family or friends to see.
Whether obvious or hidden, brokenness is real! There is often so much of it around us that we might have given up on believing that healing and restoration are possible. However, the promises of our Maker are clear: “He heals the heartbroken and bandages their wounds”. In his gospel, Matthew quotes the Old Testament prophet Isaiah who spoke about Jesus, the Son of God, saying: “He won’t break off a bent reed or put out a dying flame, Before you know it, his justice will triumph; the mere sound of his name will signal hope…”. There are few things that are less stable than a hollow, already bent reed. Yet, we are promised to not be broken off; our dying life-flame is not going to be extinguished! Instead we are assured of triumphing justice and new hope!
Why don’t we see more brokenness healed in light of these great promises? There are probably many reasons but I think the chief among them is that we are not following the command that Jesus himself gave us: “Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life.” “Walk with me and work with me–watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you.“ (Matthew 11:28-29). Instead we rather seek “band-aid” solutions, quick fixes that alleviate our immediate pain but don’t go beneath the surface, where the cause of our brokenness hides.
If you are one of the broken ones, (we all are!), I want to invite you to come to Jesus. The first thing he will do is cleanse you from your own sin and restore your broken relationship with him, because of what Jesus accomplished on the cross! Then, let him touch your brokenness and restore you. It is important for you to join a church or fellowship of believers who are praying with you and gently but firmly encourage you to face the brokenness within you and help you to grow toward wholeness. Be patient with yourself and others. Develop an attitude of gratitude. Even though your life story may be negative, find something to be thankful for. Begin to give of yourself something to others who may be needier than you are.
Recognize that if your brokenness came from being victimized it makes the road toward wholeness more difficult because of bitterness, which is difficult to release. Yet, bitterness is a guarantee for depression and despair. Bitterness forces you to live in the past. Hope requires you to focus on the future. Only forgiveness sets you free. Forgiveness is the response of a grateful heart. Bitterness breeds ungratefulness. Gratitude is the key to healing and wholeness.
Yes, there is someone who can put “Humpty” back together again. It is the King, King Jesus! How do I know? Because I too was a broken!
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