Here are a few quotes from the German Theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer who was martyred under Hitler:
- Suffering and Rejection are the summary expression of Jesus‘ cross. Death on the cross means to suffer and to die as someone rejected and expelled.
- Discipleship as commitment to the person of Jesus Christ places the disciple under the law of Christ, that is under the cross.
- Whoever enters discipleship enters Jesus‘ death, and puts his or her own life into death.
- Every call of Christ leads to death
- Those who are not prepared to take up the cross, those who are not prepared to give their life to suffering and rejection by others, lose community with Christ, and are not disciples.
Excerpts from „Meditations on the Cross,“ (c) Westminster John Knox Press 1998
„I am crucified with Christ, it is no longer I who lives, but Christ living in me..“ Gal. 2:20
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