“If you go through the high grass where the elephant has already gone through, you don’t get soaked with the dew”. (A proverb from Ghana, Africa)
This proverb traditionally meant that young men should follow the ways of the elders rather than run off to the right or left, exploring new and untried ways. While this is an important lesson, Rev. Joshua Kudadjie, put a Christian spin on the proverb:
Christ is our “elephant.” He is bigger than we are, stronger than we are, He was here before we were, He went through more than we have to go through and He took on Himself all the bad things that should have fallen on us. I would like to add that He cleared the path for us to come into relationship with God the Father, after our sin separated us from him through his sacrifice on the cross.
It not only makes good sense to follow Jesus Christ, it is clear that the path he made is the only one leading to the Father. Jesus himself states: “I am the Road, also the Truth, also the Life. No one gets to the Father apart from me”. (John 14:6) Since He cleared the way for us, why should we go through life on any other path than following in His steps? Interestingly enough, many still think, we need to make our own path to God, through good works or other achievements. We follow the old but unbiblical adage: “God helps those who help themselves”. The Good News about Jesus is that he came to save, set free, heal and help those who couldn’t help themselves. Often it’s either pride or unbelief, that holds us back from simply accepting what Jesus has done for us.
Once we have followed Jesus to the Cross, where he died for us, and experienced the new Life he gives, we follow Him, doing good works, because we have been saved, not to be saved! (See Ephesians 2:10)
Let us follow the Leader, Jesus, who made the path for us!
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