You might recognize this slogan of the very popular TV-Show CSI, Crime Scene Investigation. The careful search for clues, fingerprints, weapons, bullet fragments, DNA evidence etc. can reveal great detail of a crime scene to the scientists who try to piece the event together. Detectives working on cases often theorize what might have happened but as the evidence is examined, it often leads to a completely different conclusion.
This past Sunday millions of Christians around the world celebrated Jesus Christ’s resurrection from the dead, a claim that has been disputed and rejected by many over the years.
May I invite you to “follow the evidence” as we briefly consider the truth or fiction of the resurrection? Let’s begin with an open mind, ready to examine the evidence for what it is worth. Contrary to popular belief, the Christian faith is not unreasonable or excluding our God-given impulse to logically follow sound arguments. Is there any evidence for the resurrection? You may want to consider the following:
- There is of course the empty tomb—the missing body.
- There are plenty of witnesses to the fact, the women who came to the tomb early in the morning, the disciples, (even Thomas who had genuine questions about the event but later believed, because Jesus appeared to him personally), and more than five hundred others.
- Jesus was seen alive by specific individuals, who well authenticated the claim without leaving rational doubt.
- Then there is “circumstantial evidence”:
- The disciples were transformed by the resurrection; they went from fearfully hiding from the Romans to becoming fearless witnesses, who went to their death proclaiming the resurrection as truth.
- Skeptics like Paul and James, brilliant minds, were convinced of the resurrection and wouldn’t have followed Christ apart from it.
- The miraculous growth of the early church, despite the brutal Roman persecution “rips a great hole in history, a hole the size of the resurrection,” as C.F.D. Moule put it.
All this is strong evidence for the resurrection and as former atheist and investigative reporter turned Christian, Lee Strobel, notes, he has seen many defendants condemned to the death chamber on much less convincing proof during his years of court reporting.
What conclusion do you draw as you consider the evidence? If you find that the resurrection is a reasonable, believable fact and put your trust completely into the Risen Savior, you can experience that: “He’s Alive! He’s Alive—and you’re forgiven—heaven’s gates are opened wide! He’s Alive!
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