This Sunday, people from around the world celebrate an important holy day, the day of Pentecost. In Jewish culture, the day had marked the annual harvest festival for centuries. Now the day was to take on a much more significant meaning. The prophets of old had spoken about this day.
Through the awesome display of God’s power, the risen Jesus had appeared to hundreds of people, after being crucified and buried. He had spoken peace to his frightened followers and assured them of his continued presence with them. He had also charged them with the proclamation of repentance and forgiveness of sins in His name among all nations.
Quite the job description for mostly unlearned common people. That’s why he had ensured them of a helper and guide. Before they were to embark on their mission, they were to wait for the for the promised Holy Spirit that would clothe them with power from on high.
Even though their teacher was taken from them, they returned to their homes with great joy and remained in prayerful expectation of this promised event. On the 50th day after the resurrection, Pentecost Day, something never seen before happened. A violent wind from heaven filled the house where Jesus’ followers were praying. Then tongues of fire came to rest on each of them and all were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages. People from many different nations in Jerusalem for the Harvest Feast heard these men and women declaring the wonders of God in their own native language.
At this point Peter, one of the first followers of Jesus took the opportunity to explain that what they observed. He boldly declared that the very Jesus whom they had crucified had now made good on his promise to pour out his Spirit. As Peter continued to present the Good News that day, about 3000 people were added to the number of Jesus’ followers. The Church was born!
Since then the Church, made up of believers in Jesus, has grown to 2.3 billion worldwide by 2015.
Although Christians are persecuted in many places around the world, the numbers have grown continuously. Now, this is not a reason to stop proclaiming Jesus as Savior! After all there are still roughly 4.7 billion people who either have never heard of Jesus or who follow other belief systems. What should cause joy is the fact that the Church is growing and strong. Jesus said…the gates of hell will not overcome it, safeguarding a victorious, overcoming body of believers.
Happy Birthday, Church!
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