The end of one year and the beginning of another is usually cause for reflection, but the happenings of the September 11, 2001 make these considerations take on a new dimension. The sense of security that was enjoyed before the ominous date has been replaced by one of vulnerability, insecurity and fear. Leaders of this country have recognized this fact and called upon everyone to not let fear win, because this would mean that those who attacked this country and its people have won. Some suggested solutions to deal with that fear were, to continue flying in airplanes, travel to see relatives and friends, go about life as normal as possible and to spend money as a patriotic exercise to support the US economy.
Although these are practical suggestions with some merit, they fail to deal with the root of the problem! Just to wear a T-shirt or hat with the embroidered inscription “No Fear” is not an indication of the fact that the person wearing these items really is without fear. The famous quote of former President F.D. Roosevelt: “Fear nothing but fear itself”, is another example of a notable saying which does not give a clue how not to fear when you do.
As a follower of the Jesus Way, I am grateful that the “manual” written and delivered to me by my Creator and Redeemer is not short on real advice how to deal with my fears. First of all it shows that I’m not the only one who is or ever was afraid and that I don’t have to be ashamed of this fact. Then there is the wonderful part that helps me to practically deal with my fear. Listen to this instruction:
“Let him have all your worries and cares, for he is always thinking about you and watching everything that concerns you.” 1 Peter 5:7 (TLB)
Other translations express it this way: Cast all your anxieties upon him (God), because he cares for you. To experience this truth, we have to trust the One who made this statement and let go of, literally throw down our worries and fears at His feet. We have to admit, we can’t rid ourselves of our fears, that we need His help and that we trust Him to really take care of us.
Now, you may question whether it is that easy, whether you can take this great promise literally. Well, I offer you to read for yourself about the many people in God’s Word who were afraid, but then trusted God and were delivered of their fears. And in case you are wondering, I’m writing as one who has experienced first hand the debilitating and potentially paralyzing effects of fear and the glorious simplicity of God’s deliverance when I followed His advice.
How we handle and let God rid us of our fears will determine to a great deal the quality of our life. I want to invite you to trust God, let him free you from fear so the years before you can truly be happy ones.
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