Anyone spending time in malls, shops, market places and elevators between Thanksgiving and Christmas has most likely been exposed to it! No, its not the most recent flue virus but some version the Christmas Hymn, “Joy to the World! The Lord has come!”. If you ever stopped to think about the words of the hymn, you might have faced difficulty believing the message.
How can someone who takes a sober look at our world today really believe that joy was the result of Jesus’ birth? For instance, our nation is embroiled in what many think is an un-winnable war, with few options left to consider. There are millions of people dying from HIV/AIDS related illnesses especially in African nations, where whole communities are decimated by the ravages of the virus. How about the tsunamis, earthquakes or terrorist acts faced by many countries?
A superficial conclusion could be that things are worse now than they ever were. Where is the evidence of the joy and freedom that is supposed to arrive with the coming of Jesus?
A look back in history reveals that times weren’t much different at all when Jesus was born in the little town of Bethlehem. Israel was occupied by a foreign force, the Romans. The maniacal King Herod went on a killing rampage to stamp out a potential threat to his throne. People were living in poverty and need.
How dare the angels proclaim: “Joy to the World”? What a disappointment it must have been, when the “deliverer” so much anticipated grew up in relative obscurity until he was about thirty years old and began his ministry. Only then, hope began to rise among the people because of the miracles he performed, the authority by which he spoke and the boldness with which he challenged the powers of the day. Those who responded to his invitation and followed him were forgiven, delivered and healed. Joy came to those who submitted to him. The Gospel of John explains it this way:
“The true light (Jesus), which enlightens everyone, was coming into the world… yet the world did not know him. He came to his own, and his own people did not receive him. But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God…”
It pays to listen to all of the words of the hymn. For true joy to enter, every heart has to prepare Him room! No more are we to let sins and sorrows grow, because He makes His blessings flow as far as the curse of sin is found.
This Christmas I want to encourage you to let His grace and truth transform you and His deep, lasting and abundant joy will come in!
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