Several years ago, after a rather long pause, I picked up my camera again. I think I first started taking pictures when I received a Kodak Instamatic Camera, which dates me, I know! In the years since, the desire to make images had waned. I still took pictures, but not deliberately. Most of them were just attempts to document a moment, like a family celebration, a visit with friends or a landscape that looked inspiring.
But now things were different!
A new friend had come into my life. Besides being a kind and generous follower of Jesus, Marc is a talented, successful professional photographer. By spending time with him, observing how he worked, I caught the bug again and dusted off my camera. Marc introduced me to newer technology and how to use the computer to enhance photos.
But the most important thing he taught me was “old school.”He told me:
What is indispensable for making good images is the ability to see.
Since images are created by light, I began learning to pay attention to different kinds of light, shadows, highlights, colors and shapes. Soon, I noticed how the soft light at sunrise bathes a scene with a pleasing glow, or how low hanging clouds caress a hillside giving them a dreamy look. Pointing my camera at birds, I noticed the intricacies and amazing colors of their feathery coat and was filled with renewed awe of Creator.
The words of a hymn came to mind: “Open my eyes, that I may see, glimpses of truth, Thou hast for me; Place in my hands the wonderful key, that shall unclasp and set me free. Silently now I wait for Thee, ready my God, Thy will to see, open my eyes, illumine me, Spirit divine!”
I realized, there is so much I miss by not opening my eyes to God’s truth evident in Creation and most of all His Son Jesus. Perhaps you would like to join me in praying: “Open the eyes of my heart, Lord, I want to see You!”
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