Big birds, especially eagles have always fascinated me. They are majestic creations to look at whether they are perching on a branch, building a nest or soaring in flight. In an effort to make my jogging route a little more interesting, (to run in circles somehow doesn’t convey the feeling of making progress), I staked out a new route that happened to pass by an osprey’s or fish eagle’s nest. Still about 200 yards away from the pole on which the nest sits, I heard the warning call of the osprey parent and less than a minute later it swooped down on me from behind. This was repeated several times, leaving only a few feet distance between us, until I had cleared the area and was not perceived as a threat anymore. Even though it would never enter my mind to hurt the magnificent creature and its young, I was seen as a potential danger to the well being of the young ospreys. Fearlessly, the parent would come at a grown man, to make sure no harm would be done.
This quality reminded me of Creator God, who often uses examples like this one to show us his nature and character. He talks about sustaining, shielding, and caring for us frequently, how he guarded his people like the apple of his eye. In fact, in Deuteronomy 32, Verse 11, he compares himself to an eagle, who stirs up his nest, hovers over its young; as it spreads its wings, takes them up, and bears them aloft on its pinions.
Maybe you were never able to trust God, because of the hurt and pain you have experienced. Be encouraged to consider the nature and character of God, as seen in his word and exemplified in many different ways, such as the eagles behavior. He loves you more than you will ever comprehend and protects you fiercely. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own insight. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.”
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