Recently, during a walk in a forest I was moved by the beauty of Creation. Lush trees, some with leaves others with needles, flowers from buttercups to foxglove, bees, bugs and lizards, birds of different colors and songs pleased my eyes and ears. Who would think up such a variety and diversity? I felt my heart fill with gratitude to Creator God, who made all this and so much more. He could have been much more “stingy” with his creation. Maybe 20 or 30 varieties of everything would have been quite enough to be marveled over—but he made so many more. Even today, we find new species never seen or documented before. It got me thinking that there are probably meadows filled with flowers in wilderness areas that nobody ever sees in their glory, yet Creator was pleased to make and grow them anyway. The author of Psalm 19 observes: “The heavens proclaim the glory of God. The skies display his craftsmanship.” We can see God’s creative energy at work in all that He made. It provides us with evidence of his care and concern for all areas of life. It can lead us to worship Him, the awesome God who has made himself knowable and known. Yes, it’s not the only way how he has done so, but his creation, nature, is one way how everyone is presented with proof of his existence.
Growing up I was often warned not to put too much emphasis on outward things. My Western Worldview reasoned that this may lead to worship of creation rather than its Creator. However, I’ve come to see that noticing, appreciating, and being grateful for the beauty of creation can lead me to love and trust the One who made it all even more.
My Native American neighbors have a lot to do with this, because they have always been close to the earth and the land. One of their gifts to Western Society is that they are pointing us to an important but oft forgotten reality–This is our Father’s World!
Maybe you too will be reminded of Creators amazing creativity during your next walk in the woods, while camped at your favorite fishing hole or in the quietness of a leisurely float down the river. Take a moment to thank Creator God for all He made and for delighting you with it. You just might experience a deeper appreciation of His greatness, power, and love for us human beings.
[…] was first published at Following Jesus July […]