The year was either 1831 or 1832, when a delegation of Nimiipuu or Nez Perce as they later became known, made a difficult trek over treacherous terrain hundreds of miles from their home territory to the then most western outpost of the States, St. Louis.
Their objective: Find the “Book of Heaven”. Some describe their endeavor as a “Search for the Light”. Was their search spiritual in nature or was it simply to find better tools, weapons and means for economic improvement as some suggest? Did they look for the “White Man’s Religion” and Christian teachers? Historical sources indicate that the purpose of their expedition was greatly embellished by those who are trying to prove their point of view. Historical fact is that their search eventually led to the coming of the Protestant Missions among the Nez Perce and other Northwest tribes.
Could it be that the Everlasting God placed a desire in the hearts of a group of people that led to their search, even while they were not quite sure what they were exactly looking for? Is this not how the Creator deals with us? His Word proclaims: “Starting from scratch, he made the entire human race and made the earth hospitable, with plenty of time and space for living so we could seek after God, and not just grope around in the dark but actually find him. He doesn’t play hide-and-seek with us. He’s not remote; he’s near. We live and move in him, can’t get away from him! “(Act 17:26-28a).
While the Nimiipuu already had knowledge about the Creator prior to the coming of missionaries, they learned about His Son, who had come to give his life for them, inviting them to become part of His kingdom. Their restored relationship with Creator lead to the founding of the Nez Perce Indian Churches.
Sure, not everything that was done in the Name of Christ was right and good but God still honored His word that those who diligently seek Him will find Him. By the way that promise still stands! Will you seek Him today? What other search is there that has an ironclad assurance of success?
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