Have you ever considered what your life is all about? Are you here to seek personal fulfillment, peace of mind, happiness, a great career (making good money)? Are you looking for a wonderful family with everybody healthy, loved and financially cared for?
The search for the purpose of life has puzzled people for thousands of years. When we think about what we want out of life, we usually think first of ourselves, we ask self-centered questions like: What do I want to be? What should I do with my life? What are my goals, my dreams for the future? Popular books, shows and seminars that try to tell us to look within ourselves for answers to those questions are plentiful–but is this really the way to go?
How can we get this important question about our purpose in life right? There are essentially only two ways to discover the answer.
One is by speculation, through trial and error, by taking our best guess. This method causes us more often then not to miss the mark. Let me illustrate: One day I needed to go to a place in a city that I was unfamiliar with. I checked maps and laid out the directions to get to the exact location, however when I got to the destination area, I discovered that all my well laid plans didn’t get me there, because one of the roads I had thought to use was a one way street. I needed to circle around and come from the other direction.
What is the other option? As a follower of Christ I trust the Bible, God’s authoritative Word, to provide me with revelation, instruction, for every area of my life. His Word states: “everything, absolutely everything, above and below, visible and invisible…everything got started in him (Jesus) and finds its purpose in him”. (Colossians 1:16 The Message) You may ask why you should accept this proclamation as truth. Wouldn’t you easily accept that the maker of a Chevy car knows all the ins and outs of his creation best? Why do we have such a hard time to accept the words of our creator? We didn’t create ourselves, so it is only logical that we can’t tell ourselves what we are created for.
If you sense that God-shaped vacuum within yourself, which nothing or no one else can fill, I invite you to entrust yourself into the loving hands of your creator who will save you from spiritual death and a meaningless life by giving you true identity and purpose!
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