When we leave this question to experience and perception we will certainly get a wide variety of answers. At best we might arrive at a very limited perspective and our view will be a caricature-like misrepresentation of Him.
One caricature may look like this: He is very understanding, seemingly bearing with all the wrongs that we commit, because it’s not really a big deal. He is generous. He exists to make us happy and requires little of us. This God is also tolerant—he doesn’t abide by absolutes. He seems to be God made in OUR image.
Another caricature of God may look something like this: He is angry all the time about everything. He is a god who is never happy with us. He requires that we live up to a special list of do’s and don’ts, and he is disappointed in us when we fail. Humans in this view are creatures that God is tired of dealing with. A god that seems impossible to please.
Both of these views have in common, that they look at God as if he were human. But he does not fit into our easy categories. He is majestic. He is great. He is wholly good. He is truly awesome, exploding the borders of our human limitations.
The scriptures tell us that no one can “see God” in this lifetime and live—but we are certainly able and encouraged to seek Him. This seeking and finding of who God is and what He is really like is neither impossible, nor difficult as one might think, because God has revealed himself in the scriptures. Through the inspired written record, both the existence of God and the nature of God are revealed in and through Jesus Christ. Jesus stated, “He that has seen me, has seen the Father” (John 14:9).
The scriptures reveal that God is eternal, uncreated, that he is Spirit, (beyond the limits of matter, space and time). God is infinite (in knowledge, in presence and unlimited in power, the only limitations on God’s power are imposed by Himself).
God Is also holy, meaning separate from and exalted above all other things. Holiness refers to God’s moral excellence. He is righteous and just. He brings punishment upon the disobedient but bestows His righteousness upon the person who puts trust in Him. This is possible because of the sacrificial death of Jesus on our behalf. (Romans 3:23-26).
God is love. God’s love for man seeks to awaken a responsive love of man for God. God loved, gave and suffered, providing His love by giving His all on the cross for the redemption of humanity.
In this self-revelation, God has responded to the cry of the human heart—“Who are you, God?”
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