I don’t know about you, but sometimes I feel like we are in the silly season when I listen to the noise coming from the various political candidates, news outlets and promoting agencies.
Candidates and opinion makers are trying to outdo each other with their particular remedy for all that ails a nation. There are lightening rod politicians, who want to solve all the world’s problems by having the strongest military and by killing every enemy, real or perceived. Others vote for getting out of all conflicts but the ones we face within the nation. Then there are those who think more diplomacy and negotiations are needed to succeed. The fights, backstabbing, bad-mouthing, fault finding and flat-out lying are nauseating.
I am not knocking the political systems which in many ways have served us well. However, one gets the feeling that things are way out of hand. There is political power, backed by lots of money within every spectrum of political persuasion. Influence and what one wishes to see happen can be bought.
Are we misplacing our hope?
Do we really think one person placed into the highest office of the land, along with several hundred representatives of the people can make everything well?
What can we learn from the way Jesus, the Son of God, who also became the Son of Man addressed the hate-filled and toxic climate during his time on earth?
For starters, we might notice what he didn’t do.
There was no flag-waving, or banner carrying, but a determined resolve to change the hearts of men and women. He knows, we can have the best laws and leaders, but without the hearts of people changed, humanity’s problems will still dominate.
Do we need competent men and women in political office or all spheres of society for that matter? Absolutely! But we know that their power and influence are very limited.
If leadership proceeds from a motivation of love, justice, and truth, which characterize God’s benevolent rule, hearts and troubling situations will be changed!
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