What a strange question to ask! Or could it be that struggling to find an answer to this question might be quite crucial? Usually we are so busy with work and activities that we don’t take the time to think through what is really important to us and our unexamined life just dissipates. Do you have a strong sense of purpose and direction? Can you recognize progress and accomplishment in your life or does life “just happen to you?”
To be confronted with these questions can help us bring our lives into focus because it drives us to decide what is valuable and important to us. Maybe the well-being of your family and to be a caring neighbor is an important value to you. To introduce others to Jesus Christ, God’s Son, and to show them that they can have a vital relationship with him should be a value for all true followers of Jesus.
Once we have decided what our values are, we need to consider which changes are necessary to see those values reflected in our daily lives. This will provide us with a goal to aim at and by doing so, our lives will become purposeful and marked by progress and accomplishment.
Jesus taught us to pray: “…Your Kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” It is good to diligently pray this prayer, however, for the result to occur, we are asked to cooperate with God! “He (God) creates each of us by Christ Jesus to join him in the work he does, the good work he has gotten ready for us to do, work we had better be doing!” (Ephesians 2:10)
I would like to encourage you to find the “good works” God has prepared for you and to pursue achieving them with his empowerment, help and instruction. It will be hard work and require faith and tenacity but your life won’t lack purpose and direction anymore and your tombstone might say: Good Work! Job well done!
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